
Is Hair Loss Permanent?

Published on Jun 14, 2024 | 3:00 PM

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Whether you’re just now starting to notice hair loss or if you’re curious if hair loss treatments actually work, then look no further. While there are a few different types of hair loss, you should know the main cause of hair loss, treatment options as well as when to be concerned about your hair loss and seek help from a dermatologist.

What Causes Hair Loss?

In general, both men's hair loss and women's hair loss are due to hormones and how they respond to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a subtype of testosterone. While men have higher levels of testosterone, it is the main reason behind hair thinning and loss in both males and females. 

How it works is testosterone gets changed into DHT and signals cells to do things throughout the body. DHT has been known to shrink hair follicles and cause them to stop growing or growing as affectively. While DHT is the main cause of hair loss in both men and women, the traditional patterns of hair loss are not the same due to the difference in the hair follicle receptors and how sensitive they are to DHT.

Where Do Most People Lose Hair?

For men the temple, crown and front of the scalp are more sensitive to DHT in men than women, whereas women usually see hair loss more as a gradual thinning of the hair or a wider part in their scalp. 

Men and women can both also have hair loss due to a non-hormonal related issue called traction alapicia, where wearing tight hairstyles like ponytails can cause hair to stop growing or become more fragile due to always being under tension.

What Age do Most People Lose Hair?

Hair loss in women is usually a slow progression and can range in women on average 30-60. Men usually see hormonal hair loss as early as teenage years to 20s and into their 50s.

Is Hair Loss Permanent?

While certain types of hair loss can be permanent, other types are treatable and have potential for hair regrowth. Hair loss that is caused by inflammation in the scalp where the hair follicles are scarred and cannot grow any hair anymore, is very difficult to reverse and treat. However, other types like gradual thinning of the hair or typical pattern hair loss has a good chance for successful treatment if the hair follicles are still there. This is why it is important to seek help early on if you notice hair thinning or loss as your chances are better for re-growth.

Hair Loss Treatment Options

There are several types of hair loss treatment ranging from over-the-counter products to prescriptions that can help block DHT from affecting your hair follicles, however it is good to discuss options with a dermatologist to see what treatment would be best for you. Daily vitamins are an easy, affordable and accessible option, but may not be as effective as a prescription regime. Depending on the results you’re seeking, there are a variety of methods such as a topical cream to help promote hair growth, light treatment to stimulate hormones for growth or even platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections using your own blood as a natural component to stimulate and encourage hair growth.

When Should You Seek Treatment

You should seek treatment for hair loss if it is cosmetically bothersome to you or if you’re having hair loss due to underlying health issues.

When Is Hair Loss A Cause For Concern

Most hair loss is due to hormones and aging, however there are circumstances where hair loss can be a cause of concern and sign to see a doctor. If you are experiencing a quick progression or large amount of hair loss, there could be another reason behind it. 

If there are any symptoms of itching, pain, flaking or other scalp issues or if other health issues have developed along with hair loss such as weight loss, weight gain, fatigue, skin rashes, breathing and chest pain this could also be a warning sign to check in with a physician. There are also other scenarios where major stress on the body (illness, surgery, medication changes, emotional stress) can cause rapid shedding of hair, where the loss is temporary but shedding can go on for up to six months. 

If you’re noticing gradual or rapid hair loss, it is important to speak with a dermatologist as early as possible to make sure nothing serious is going on as well as potentially give yourself a better outcome for hair re-growth if treated sooner.

How Call-On-Doc Can Help

Whether you’d like to discuss different types of hair loss treatment options with a dermatologist or evaluate your current hair loss, Call-On-Doc dermatologists are available seven days a week and do not require an appointment for treatment. Simply connect by clicking here to begin a consultation where you can upload pictures or select a phone or video visit. Once you determine which type of treatment you’d like to try, Call-On-Doc also offers a subscription plan where unlimited consultations and treatment are included as well as delivered for free to your home.

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Wayne C. Hahne,

English graduate and Call-On-Doc’s medical resource guide, Wayne C. Hahne is an experienced and passionate medical education content expert. Through diligent research, provider interviews and utilizing the industry's leading resources for wellness information, it is Mr. Hahne’s personal mission to educate the general public on medical conditions with in-depth and easy-to-understand written guides.

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