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How to Target Your Dental Pain
February 9th is National Toothache Day in the U.S., a day for remembering the importance of our oral health. How did this designated day come to be, and how many ways are there to deal with dental pain? Today’s post contains the answers.
Nov 20, 2023
The Call-On-Doc Guide to Dental Infections
Dental infections used to be a leading cause of death, with the mortality rate believed to be up to 40% until 1908. Thanks to advancements in medical care, dental infections are much less deadly today but still affect over one in five American adults having untreated infections, and 13% seeking dental care for infections. (1)
A catch-all term for common conditions that involve the mouth or oral cavity, dental infections refer to conditions like tooth infections and gum infections. When left untreated, each can result in dental abscesses, cavities, oral ulcers, and more. Over time, these infections can lead to symptoms like pain, inflammation, and difficulty eating, while also leading to various conditions that affect your quality of life.
Nov 28, 2023