
How To Get Rid of Chlamydia With The Right Treatment Method

Chlamydia is one of the highly contagious sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) around the world. In the US alone, an average of one out of ten young adults, mostly women, is likely to test positive of the infection.


STD patients often choose to fight the battle on their own. They try to find remedies that do not require showing up in a hospital even though they’re not entirely certain that they can get rid of the disease without proper treatment.


Fortunately, chlamydia is curable with the right treatment method. But, it’s also essential to raise awareness on the importance of knowing the risk factors of the disease and all the necessary preventive measures.


Let’s discuss the proper ways of dealing with chlamydia and other STDs, and how to avoid catching them again, or at all.


First, here’s everything we need to know about chlamydia.


What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is passed on from one person to another through unprotected sexual intercourse. The bacteria that causes the infection is called Chlamydia trachomatis.


The infection can affect both men and women. Women are more likely to get infected in the cervix, rectum, or throat. Men get infected in the urethra, rectum, or throat.


How does it spread?

Unprotected sex is the primary cause of spreading STDs.


Sexually active individuals can contract chlamydia when they’re practicing unsafe sex methods. Without the protection of condoms, they increase their risk of getting infected through vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse.


Either a person has a history of having chlamydia or not, it’s possible for anyone to get infected repeatedly.


Babies can also catch the infection if the mother has an infection during pregnancy and childbirth.


Are there other risk factors?

Getting a new sexual partner increases a person’s risk factor of getting chlamydia and other kinds of STDs. The risk goes higher when a person gets involved with multiple sexual partners or has a partner with multiple sexual partners.



Technically, chlamydia is considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI) due to its tendency to lack symptoms in an infected person. Although it does not happen all the time, an infected person might not be able to immediately notice the signs of the infection, making it riskier to get passed on without knowledge.


However, when it does show symptoms, these are the common observable changes:

  • Women may experience pain in the genital area during sexual intercourse, a painful and burning sensation when urinating, vaginal discharge with abnormal color and strong smell, itchiness around the vaginal area, and pain, abnormal discharge, and bleeding in the rectal area.
  • Men will possibly experience abnormal discharge from the penis, itchiness and burning sensation around the penis, painful and burning sensation when urinating, pain and swelling in the testicles, and pain, abnormal discharge, and bleeding in the rectal area.

If and when the infection stays in the body for long, it can spread and get worse. The infected person might feel lower abdominal pain, nausea, or fever.


How to Prevent the Spread of Chlamydia

People don’t necessarily have to abstain from having sex. But, it’s critical for sexually active individuals to become more careful with their sexual partners and practice safe sex methods. Using condoms during sexual intercourse is strongly encouraged to be considered as a strict requirement.


Monogamy, for instance, is a significant step in containing the risks of passing on or getting infected with chlamydia and other STDs.


It’s also advisable for people engaged with new sexual partners to get tested for possible infections. Chlamydia can be asymptomatic, which requires precautionary actions to detect the infection before it gets worse.


How to Get Rid of Chlamydia: Testing & Treatment

Remember, you can’t get rid of chlamydia on your own. No amount of home remedies can make the infection go away. It needs professional medical treatment if you want to ensure that you’re completely healed.



First, you need to know if you’re positive with chlamydia. The only way to be sure of that is to get tested. The results will help you and your doctor to draw up a treatment plan.


Detecting the infection earlier will make it easier to fight off the bacteria in your system. Take the necessary precautionary act by getting tested the moment you suspect that you’re at risk of getting the infection.



The treatment process includes patients' ability to have an honest talk with their doctors about their situation.


It’s a good thing that there’s already more than one option to consult with your doctor about the proper steps to take from beginning to end. You can visit your doctor through online consultation, instead of going to the hospital or clinic. Online clinics help patients who hold back from getting help because they feel ashamed or betrayed in some ways.


Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be treated with antibiotics. Over 95% of the patients who take their medication correctly get cured of the infection. Two of the most popular antibiotics given to patients are azithromycin or doxycycline. The doctors will be able to prescribe the dosage and schedule of taking the medication. They may also provide a different prescription for other complications like being allergic to the given antibiotics.


Pregnant women will get a prescription of antibiotics that will prevent the drug from harming the baby.



Preventing the risks of having chlamydia or other kinds of STD is a personal choice. We can help resolve the challenge by understanding exactly how it’s transmitted and the common risk factors. It seems that the most effective way is to target the root of the problem, which is to follow safe sex methods.


Looking at a more pressing matter at hand, people who are infected must seek professional help in getting rid of chlamydia. You don’t have to deal with this situation on your own. A medical professional will give patients a better chance at recovery.


Find out more about the available treatment options that will help you win your battle against STD. Visit CallonDoc today to set-up an online appointment.