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The Call-On-Doc Guide to Migraines
First documented by Hippocrates thousands of years ago, and mentioned thousands of years before the father of medicine discovered the condition, migraines have plagued us seemingly throughout our shared history. Suspected of afflicting names like Julius Caesar, Hildegard von Bingen, Thomas Jefferson, and Napolean Bonaparte, the condition currently affects millions of people globally with symptoms that range from a minor headache once a month to severe headaches daily. (1)
Affecting one in seven people globally, around one in four American households have at least one member of the family suffering from migraines, with women being three times more susceptible and around 10% of children experiencing the condition at some point. (2) Proven to be complex, there are a number of suspected causes and triggers behind why migraines occur in people.
Nov 28, 2023
The Call-On-Doc Guide to Migraines
Nov 28, 2023