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What is DoxyPEP?
Every year, it's estimated that around 374 million people are infected with curable sexually transmitted infections, most notably syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. (1) Just in the United States alone, the number of annual infections concerning the same STIs hovers between 1.5 million and just below 2 million. (2) Such rising numbers, alongside concerns for antibiotic resistance STDs, have driven the scientific and healthcare communities towards advancing new methods of cures and spread prevention. That’s where the recent development of DoxyPEP has made such an impact on doctors and patients alike.
Designed to function similarly to a morning-after pill, DoxyPEP is an oral antibiotic that has proven effective against immediate exposure to bacterial sexually transmitted diseases. Most effective if taken within 24 hours of exposure, DoxyPEP is also known to reduce bacterial STDs if taken within 72 hours.
Nov 28, 2023
What is DoxyPEP?
Nov 28, 2023