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Back to School, How to Prepare Your Family for Cold and Flu Season
Flu and cold preparations are important for families to minimize the impact of seasonal illnesses by reducing symptoms and preventing the spread of infections within the household. Being prepared with appropriate medications and hygiene practices helps ensure a quicker recovery for affected family members and lowers the risk of the illness spreading to others.
Nov 16, 2023
How Do I Know if It’s COVID-19, a Cold, the Flu or RSV?
When it comes to respiratory illnesses like the common cold, flu, COVID-19, and RSV, it’s easy to confuse their symptoms since they often overlap. Each illness shares similar signs, such as a runny nose, cough, and fatigue, making it challenging to distinguish between them without testing.
However, these illnesses are caused by different viruses and vary in severity, with certain symptoms being more prevalent in one illness over another. Understanding the differences in symptoms, causes, and peak seasons for each can help you manage these infections more effectively.
Nov 28, 2023